In the spirit of Black History Month, the Michigan Chronicle has launched a groundbreaking program to celebrate the unsung heroes of the Metro Detroit area. The program, titled “Salute to Black Non-Profit Leaders in Metro Detroit,” is geared toward honoring the exceptional work of those at the helm of non-profit organizations who, like their forebearers, prioritize community work and help carve out paths to economic freedom and opportunities for local families.
The nomination process is now open. Community members are encouraged to nominate their favorite Black non-profit executive director, president, CEO, or board chair in recognition of their pivotal role and significant contributions.
The “Salute to Black Non-Profit Leaders in Metro Detroit” will culminate in “Applause,” a tailored publication that not only features 25 exceptional leaders but also provides a resource-packed platform filled with valuable insights for the growth of non-profit organizations. This initiative underscores the importance of local non-profit leaders to the fabric of our community.