Three-year-old Gabriel Estevez desperately screamed for help as he dangled from a forth story window at Morrisania Apartments in the Bronx on Saturday, but none of his neighbors were able to save him and they watched in horror as he plummeted to his death, reports the NY Daily News.[1]
“He was screaming for help. By the time we got across the street he had already fell,” said neighbor Frank White, 33, who jumped a fence to reach the child.
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Bystanders rushed to Gabriel’s aid after he landed in a grassy area.
White said he pulled grass from the boy’s mouth and gave him CPR, inducing only a single breath from the dying boy before another person tried CPR and an ambulance arrived.
Residents of the building near Yankee Stadium remembered Gabriel as charming and friendly.
“I joke and laugh with him every day,” said neighbor Francisco Valdes, 21, who also tried to prevent the tragedy. “He’s my little man. I miss his little soul.”
Gabriel’s mother wailed and was too distraught to speak to reporters as friends and family members converged at her third-floor apartment for support late Saturday night.
Neither parent was present at the time of Gabriel’s death and his mother was too distraught to speak with media. According to the News, he fell from the building’s superintendent’s apartment, which police quickly surrounded with crime tape.
Rest in peace, little man.
- ^NY Daily News. (
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