The “Journey to Juneteenth 2024” is captured through the scope of Real Times Media’s News Team which consists of New Pittsburgh Courier, Atlanta Daily World, Chicago Defender, and Michigan Chronicle.
We invite you to embark on this journey as the RTM News Team explores the essence of Juneteenth from a national lens.
Produced By: Kelley Evans (RTM)
Contributors to “Journey To Juneteenth 2024”: A.R. Shaw (ADW); Jeremy Allen (Michigan Chronicle); Rod Doss (New Pittsburgh Courier); Stephan Broadus (New Pittsburgh Courier); Tacuma Roeback (Chicago Defender); Roz Edward (ADW); Hunter Gilmore (ADW); Rob Taylor Jr. (New Pittsburgh Courier); Ebony JJ Curry (Michigan Chronicle); Marquise Burns (Michigan Chronicle); Amber Ogden (Michigan Chronicle); Nicole Joseph (Chicago Defender).