Get Your Healing as an Empath  

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Empaths are known for having a knack for being able to read people, so to speak.  

They are so good at it that their gift and talents for feeling the emotions of others so heavily can at times weigh them down if they’re not careful. 

For all the empaths out there, these tips from Psychology Today are for you as a reminder that empaths need a bit of healing, too.  

According to the article, because empaths are extremely sensitive people they “often experience some level of post-traumatic stress” due to “sensory overload.”  

The article added that early trauma can come in several ways. Possible trauma-inducing situations could include:  

  • Hearing your parents or siblings often argue  
  • Being constantly yelled at  
  • Physical and/or emotional abuse  
  • Being shamed or blamed for being “overly sensitive”  
  • Being bullied  

Some strategies to cope with such devastation includes:   

Write and Release  

The article encourages empaths to write in a journal about their early traumas to be mindful of them and feel free from that pain. Then think about the early trauma and tell your inner child that you are sorry for the hurt experienced by others and that “I will never allow that to happen to you again.”   

The emotional release part comes as healing comes to the forefront and emotions like anger, fear and self-doubt bubble up. Express the difficult emotions, possibly with the support of a therapist who could help foster a nurturing environment.  

Set Crystal Clear Boundaries.   

Not everyone knows how to set clear boundaries, but they can be learned. Practice sticking up for yourself and do not be a doormat. If someone is not treating you right, don’t be afraid to say boldly, yet neutrally, per the article, “Let’s discuss this when you’re calmer” or “It hurts my feelings when you say… I’d appreciate it if you stop.”   

Don’t forget that “no” is also a complete sentence. Because sensitive people can be afraid to disappoint others or hurt their feelings, get used to saying that one-word sentence, especially if something doesn’t feel right.  

Breathe in and Out  

Get mindful about conscious breathing, especially when old traumas are triggered – take several slow, long breaths to steady your system before responding.  

Show Self-Compassion  

Love on yourself a lot with kindness and gratitude as the healing process continues because everyone is deserving of love.  

Give Yourself Time to Heal  

Don’t rush yourself through this self-healing journey. Whether you are an empath or not, it is easy to want to quickly push past self when pain is present and persistent when healing takes place. The article added to mourn lost experiences and think back on memories and moments “without any judgment” so that the healing exercise in loving yourself can begin.  

Be Intentional  

Remember to identify those early traumas and think about the reactions that might cause you to repeat them in relationships even now. Healing can take place when mindfulness starts now.  

“Never let the perfection of timing stop you from speaking your desires and dreams into reality. There is no time like the present to begin the journey that will take you to your heart’s desire,” as quoted by Caterina Barregar.  




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