On television, she stars as “Molly” in HBO’s critically acclaimed comedy series Insecure. The show follows the friendship of two modern-day black women and all their uncomfortable experiences and racy tribulations. She is also currently developing a half-hour sitcom based on her life entitled First Gen, that Oprah Winfrey and David Oyelowo are executive producing. Yvonne is also a distinguished stand-up comedian. Yvonne is also known for her inspiring TED Talk, “The Wait is Sexy,” in which she discusses her virginity and decision to wait until marriage. She also opened for Chris Rock on his last shows in Atlanta. “Insecure” and comedy fans in general do not want to miss Orji as she headlines a very special one-nighter at the Punchline comedy club in Buckhead.
The Punchline Comedy Club – 3652 Roswell Road N.E. Atlanta, GA 30328 $25. 7 p.m.