On Saturday, July 18, the hip, trendy music-themed fitness gym, Made In LA, hosted a “Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation” themed workout in the heart of Hollywood led by Los Angeles-based personal trainer, James Banks Jr. (@immrbanks).
(Photos: James Banks Jr.)
In Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, the film’s star Tom Cruise was in excellent shape having had executed his own stunts, including hanging on to the side of a jumbo military plane hundreds of feet in the air. Check him in action below:
Workout participants experienced an intense circuit training regiment that well–may not prepare them to hang onto the side of a plane, but definitely burn some calories.
As a reward , they received awesome items including a film-branded Fit-Bit, iPhone 6 cases, multi-port travel phone charger and advanced screening passes!
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation releases nationwide on Friday July 31. Check out the trailer below!