Wayne State in the Community


WSU President M. Roy Wilson

Throughout its 151 years, Wayne State has been committed to diversity in the broadest sense — it is both a core value of our institution and a major focus area in our strategic plan. But diversity is only half the battle. Inclusion is paramount.

We seek to reflect that commitment not only in our institution but also in the men and women who comprise our administration, faculty and staff — and, of course, in our students.

In this issue, we see that passion for engagement and educational equity in the vision of Dean Jon E. Cawthorne, the head of our School of Information Sciences, who has taken on the monumental task of transforming our library system in the midst of the Information Age. We hear that determination in the words of Billicia Hines, the director of Wayne State’s Black Theatre and Dance Collective. We see the outcomes of that work in the accomplishments of small businesses like Detroit Dough and neighborhood-based nonprofits like Detroit
Hives, which are run by former WSU students as deeply devoted to their crafts as to their communities.

We hope you’re as inspired by their stories as we are.

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