As temperatures drop, it’s important to prepare your home for what’s to come. Ensuring your home is ready for winter can help keep everyone safe and protect your property.
- Hire qualified contractors for annual check-ups, installation and repair of natural gas appliances.
- Unblock furnace room air vents. Appliances require proper air flow to burn fuel completely and operate efficiently.
- Keep the natural gas meter at your property clear of debris to help ensure its safe operation.
- Be careful using a shovel, snow blower or snowplow when clearing snow and ice near the gas meter. Remove snow and ice carefully by hand, brush or broom.
- Do not use sharp objects, salt, ice-melting chemicals or hot water to remove snow and ice from a meter.
- Install carbon monoxide detectors on a wall or ceiling near all sleeping areas.
Lastly, it’s important to remember that if you smell or suspect a gas leak, leave the area immediately. Once you are in a safe place, call 911 and then call DTE Energy’s Gas Leak Hotline at (800) 947-5000. You can learn more at