The Official Theme Of The NHL Lockout

With all the talk last week about the NHL and the Players Union meeting in a secret location in New York City for multiple days and hours at a time, it seemed very promising that the league would reach a new CBA and we finally would have hockey by the start of December.

Well with the recent news Thursday that both sides have not talked since last week, have no new meetings scheduled and are now saying that if a new Collective Bargaining Agreement is not reached by Thanksgiving that games will be canceled through December 15th, I’m left wondering if both sides will ever get back together.

Now, like me, if you say or hear the words “never-ever together” you probably get that god-awful Taylor Swift song stuck in your head but it is kind of a fitting theme for the NHL lockout.

After surfing around on YouTube someone else thought the same thing and actually produced an official song dedicated to the NHL lockout and I have to say, it’s pretty good. Yes, they could have done away with all the Sidney Crosby posters and incorporated more teams, but then again, Crosby is Gary Bettman’s boy toy.

Click the link below to hear the song.

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