The NBCI asks Sharpton a question – ‘After we march then what…do we have a strategy’


Washington, D.C.—The National Black Church Initiative, a faith-based coalition of 34,000 churches comprised of 15 denominations and 15.7 million African Americans, is simply asking a question of Al Sharpton and march organizers against the President elect Donald Trump, after we march, then what?
Do we have a strategy moving forward in these next 4-8 years? NBCI’s 34,000 churches know of no strategy coming from the National Action Network or any other Civil Rights group. They just want us to march and register our dismay that Hillary Clinton lost the election.
The National Black Church Initiatives was one of the first national organizations to denounce Donald Trump’s racists views, so those who believe we are raising this question because we are some hidden supporters of Donald Trump are sadly mistaken.  It just does not make any sense to us that the only thing that we have in our arsenal moving forward is to march against Donald Trump whereby if we had listened to Tavis Smiley and Cornel West we would have had a more sophisticated response concerning the election of Donald Trump.
The number one reason why we are so reluctant to march with Al Sharpton and his liberal pro-women, pro-gay coalition is because Al, over the past 8 years had carte blanche access to the White House and to the halls of power and he did not once bring us together to create a lasting strategy for the Black community in the critical areas in which we live, education, housing, economic development and health.

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