T.I. talks with Mariah Caver on Ant Man and the Wasp

I walked into Ant Man and The Wasp screening extremely excited! Not just because I figured maybe It would answer all of the lingering questions that millions of Marvel fans STILL have from infinity wars, and I hate to be a spoiler. It DOESN’T. Teaming up with The Wasp guaranteed double the action. Although Ant-Man and The Wasp storyline seemed significantly different from everything else going on in the marvel cinematic world. We are not disappointed with the turnout. One noticeable similarity between this movie and the Marvel franchise is the focus on family. It didn’t really matter if it had to do with actual family or a group of people they felt entirely connected too! One area that has the potential to loose a few viewers or maybe could’ve used a little more insight; was the quantum physics scenes. Quantum physics is the microscopic dimension that Jane Van Dyne was trapped in for years. The movie moves further and further from most of the usual villain formula Marvel uses..
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNrld5eaQzY&w=560&h=315]
With a star studded cast how can you even pick a favorite. We were introduced to Dave (T.I) in the original Ant Man, and later were able to see the growth and evolution of Dave while also getting a shot at rehabilitation and becoming a businessman. I guess the moral of the story is although it may not be what most Marvel fans are used to. It does have some of the most creative action and comedy scenes of any Marvel movie thus far.
Ant Man and The Wasp ride was certainly a lot of fun.
We got a chance to catch up with T.I.
We’ve seen him go from The King of the South by putting out countless records and albums that continue to push the hip-hop culture forward, to king of the screen. Not only does the 3x Grammy award winning executive dominate the music industry. He is an actor, entrepreneur, author, activist, and influencer.
Check out our exclusive interview below :
[ione_embed src=https://www.youtube.com/embed/SNrld5eaQzY service=youtube width=560 height=315 type=iframe]

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