Southfield City Council President Sylvia Jordan will host an enrichment, empowering event for all mothers of Southfield on September 19th, from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Catalpa Oaks County Park located in Southfield.
The event is for all about celebrating mothers in the region.
The council president is also an author, school administrator, wife, mother and entrepreneur.
“Keeping balance in our lives as women is necessary to stay focused and grounded,” said Jordan. “Because of the many ‘hats’ that women are wearing today, it is easy to get life out of balance and harmony.”
The event will provide valuable resources to assist mothers with reclaiming balance in their lives. Special guest speakers include Dr. Sabrina Jackson, a best selling author and life coach, and many more. Experts will be on hand to assist in health, wellness, education, how to maneuver through the penal system and much more.
The event is free and open to all mothers and their children. In addition, this event will showcase women owned businesses and entrepreneurs as well.
Sponsors include: Woman’s Life, State Farm Insurance, Flagstar Bank, American Heart Association, ADT Security, and P & A Beauty School. The event is open the public.
Vendor opportunities are still available. For more information, call at (248) 361-2912.