Simple learning activities for toddlers

This weekend, I stopped at an Office Depot to pick up a notebook for my children … well really for myself. Someone told me the cutest idea to remember all the special moments from your children’s younger ages all the way to their adulthood. They advised me to pick up a nice lapel notebook, one for each child, and jot down anything your child does that makes you smile, makes you laugh and even makes you upset. In this notebook, you can tape pictures, and write quotes your little one says. I felt in love with this idea, I love writing, and I love memories. You can also give this book to your children in their adulthood years, and it will allow them to remember their younger years. I can’t wait.
In this midst of looking for notebooks, I stumbled across sticky alphabet letters. I thought how cute. I am going to turn my toddlers bedroom into a little classroom. I have already invested in a chalkboard, to encourage my children to write, in this case Scrabble. Their is a sticky letter for each word, and a picture to allow children to associate a word, with an object or person they can remember. My daughter peeled each letter separately and stuck them to the wall around her room. “Look mommy look, Apple” she said excitedly,”yes, A is for apple,” I remarked. I’ve decided to make this a part of our bedtime routine, after reading time. We will now go around her room practicing letters and the alphabet. This also helps my one-year-old son recognize pictures and objects.
Next, I ordered a calendar for their room to help learn the days, numbers, and even introduce chores. Yes, I know it may be young, but children are excited when they are young,  its better to start when they are small. Also with the calendar I plan on introducing activities to my children so they can look forward to something. Ex, Saturday we’re going to the zoo, and they can put a Zibra on Saturday on the calendar. This is a  great way to engage your children, while learning at the same time. I ordered this cute Melissa & Doug calendar, it comes with 134 magnets, that includes holidays, and children’s activities.
In other news: Mom’s Club pre-mother’s day brunch is this Sunday. Special toast by Pastor Sylvia Jordan. Seats are limited, so you must rsvp at: [email protected]
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unnamedJessica Byrd, is the mother of a one and two year old, and founder of Metro Detroit Moms Club. Moms Club is a organization that meets on a monthly basis for playdates, workshops, moms night out events, and more.

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