The Aging and Adult Services Agency (AASA), under the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), launched the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, known as Senior Project FRESH/Market FRESH, which will run from May 1 until October 31.
Residents aged 60 years or older who have a total household income of 185 percent of poverty or less, are eligible for the program that provides $20 in coupons that allow participants to purchase produce at registered roadside stands and farmers markets.
Once enrolled in the program, participants may use the coupons like cash to pay for any Michigan-grown, non-processed produce, including honey.
Older adults must contact the program’s local lead agency to apply for the program. Visit to find your local lead agency or call AASA at 517-373-8230 to receive your lead agency’s contact information.
The program is free for both eligible residents and the Michigan farmers who participate. Last year, more than 2,700 farmers and 350 markets and roadside stands participated in the program. It served more than 19,000 older adults.
The program is supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture through the federal Farm Bill.