It happens to the best of us, we have a sitter lined up for the whole weekend. On Monday, we’re secretly fast-forwarding to Friday because we know that means “baby free zone for us.” On Tuesday, we have our children bags packed all the way down to their socks. All week we’re fantasizing about our weekend full of girl time, spouse time, laughter, and drinks. To often more than not, we use our “baby free” time to share with our friends, and our spouse. If I took a survey more than half of mothers would say they rarely get a baby sitter to do well..Nothing.
Recently, I finally understood the need to utilize grandparents, sitters, and family members, to sit down, watch TV, read a book, or browse the internet like ‘regular people’. Every time I used my sitter there was a event I had to attend, a dinner date with my husband, girl time, and the next day I was completely exhausted with my children, back in same rant, no time for mama! We all know the value of taking time out for ourselves that goes beyond a mani/pedi, and a hair appointment. We MUST take time to think, time to relax, and time to do nothing! Ahh! The joy to remember what nothing feels like. For this month, I am challenging my fellow mothers to use your sitter on a Friday night. Instead of making plans use this time after work or after your motherly duties to relax, go home, watch TV, use the bathroom (ALONE), have a drink, take a bath, and walk around the house in a robe, and here’s the killing part, Don’t feel guilty about it!
Jessica Byrd, is the mother of a one and two year old, and founder of Metro Detroit Moms Club. Moms Club is a organization that meets on a monthly basis for playdates, workshops, moms night out events, and more.