Deep within the fabric of Detroit, amidst the challenges of inner-city life, there exists a network of unsung heroes dedicated to making their communities safer, more resilient, and, ultimately, more united. These are the Community Violence Intervention (CVI) groups, each with its own unique approach but all driven by the same unwavering commitment to combating violence at its root.
In neighborhoods ravaged by violence, these organizations emerge as guiding lights, offering far more than mere solutions. They extend solace, foster unity, and instill a profound sense of empowerment in communities thirsting for transformation. In a city where each life lost to senseless violence leaves an enduring scar, CVI groups emerge as stalwart guardians of peace, ceaselessly laboring to uproot the causes of conflict and desolation. They epitomize collective resilience, showcasing that the ability to reshape lives resides within the resolve of those willing to confront adversity head-on. In Detroit, where resilience echoes through every street, CVI groups serve as catalysts for profound change, illuminating the path toward a future where safety, justice, and unity reign supreme.
Detroit CVI groups have long been the backbone of community safety efforts, boasting decades of invaluable experience. Now, with financial backing from the city, these organizations are poised to amplify their impact, expand resources, and maximize results for the betterment of the community.
Force Detroit: Empowering Communities Through Research and Advocacy –
Force Detroit epitomizes the essence of collaboration and innovation in its mission to foster lasting solutions within the community. Led by the bold and visionary Alia Harvey Quinn, Force Detroit brings together interfaith leaders, grassroots activists, and public sector allies to confront the root causes of violence in Detroit. Alia’s deep commitment to investing in emerging grassroots leaders, shaped by her familial legacy of activism, being the daughter of Black Panthers, underscores the organization’s unwavering dedication to building a freer, safer Detroit. As the founder and Executive Director of Force Detroit, Alia has propelled the organization to national recognition for its pioneering work in Community Violence Intervention (CVI), shedding light on effective strategies to combat gun violence.
“It takes a leader to do this work,” asserts Zoe Kennedy, Force Detroit’s Public Health and Safety Director. “Whoever you are talking to, you have to convince them to redirect their energy and redirect their path. It takes a leader to do that.” Alia’s leadership transcends conventional boundaries, driving transformative change not only within Force Detroit but across Detroit’s broader landscape. Her strategic foresight played a pivotal role in shaping the city’s strategy within the White House Community Violence Intervention Initiative. Moreover, Alia’s influence extends to philanthropic circles, where her advocacy has resulted in significant investments directed toward grassroots organizations tackling issues of justice and safety in Detroit.
With over two decades of nonprofit leadership experience, Alia’s journey—from spearheading initiatives like the Detroit Future Youth Network to organizing justice-impacted leaders—reflects a steadfast commitment to advancing justice, safety, and positive youth development. In a country grappling with the pervasive legacy of racism and violence, Alia and Force Detroit stand as beacons of hope, driving meaningful change toward a more equitable and just society.
In 2024 alone, their impact cannot be understated. Their efforts have led to a 72% crime reduction in the Cody Rouge neighborhood. Additionally, their local, state, and federal legislative engagement and advocacy have secured long-term funding and led to the implementation of legislation to further the reach of CVI initiatives city and statewide. This is solely representative of their advocacy efforts in support of HB4605 and HB4606, which would fund CVI initiatives to the tune of $3.5 million annually, in perpetuity.
Detroit 300: From Tragedy to Triumph
The Detroit 300 Community Action Team represents the embodiment of collective action, uniting citizens, civic groups, organizations, and businesses in the fight against crime within residential areas. Known as “Our Neighborhoods,” this conglomerate is committed to organizing communities to eradicate crime, ensuring the safety and well-being of all residents. Their unwavering focus on policing targeted areas and pursuing individuals who sow terror and havoc reaffirms their dedication to the grassroots movement’s mission, vision, and values, and this year alone, it’s resulted in more than 500 instances of violence interruption. Born out of the frustration with perpetual neighborhood crimes, the Detroit 300 Community Action Team continues to serve as the eyes and ears of local law enforcement, demonstrating an unyielding commitment to protecting the most vulnerable members of society—the city’s seniors, women, and children.
What began as a promise to save others from the anguish of violence has flourished into Detroit 300, founded by Raphael Johnson, a structured organization comprising individuals from diverse backgrounds united in a singular purpose. For Eric Ford, the President of Detroit 300, the battle against violence is not just a mission—it’s a deeply personal commitment rooted in a vow made to his late mother. “When my mother was murdered, I stood at her casket at 17 years old and made a promise to turn my neighborhood around,” Ford stated. Now, bringing countless resources to the 48227 zip code Detroit 300 is significantly contributing to the decrease in violence in that very neighborhood.
Serving as a beacon of hope Detroit 300 stands at the forefront, bridging the gap between wary residents and law enforcement agencies. Through their specialized Advanced Team, they ensure swift and decisive action, all while prioritizing community safety. By engaging with residents at grassroots levels, they instill trust and empower individuals to reclaim their streets.
New Era Detroit: Innovations in Violence Prevention
Dressed in the symbolic ebony hues of their cause, New Era Detroit stands as a formidable force, armed not just with authority but with a profound sense of duty to orchestrate a safer and more secure inner-city community, one moment at a time. At the core of their mission lies the New Era Community Connection (NECC), an integral component of the New Era Nation family movement. Through its innovative grassroots blueprint, NECC endeavors to intricately weave together urban communities globally, fostering self-sufficiency within marginalized neighborhoods through direct outreach and hands-on community initiatives.
Tasked with reducing homicides and shootings within designated CVI Zones, NECC is entrusted with a vital mission: to execute their violence prevention strategies with precision and efficacy, ensuring that every step taken paves the way towards a safer, more harmonious Detroit. And they’ve been efficient at it, leading to a 35% crime reduction year over year. At the helm of this movement stands Zeek Williams, the founder and president of New Era Detroit, guiding NECC with an unwavering dedication to change. Since its inception in 2014, New Era Detroit has been steadfast in its pursuit of transformation, transcending mere visibility to redefine the role of Black men within their communities.
As symbols of involvement, enlightenment, and interconnectedness, they fiercely safeguard the rights and well-being of women and children, embodying a collective ethos of empowerment and advocacy.
The People’s Action: Building Safer Neighborhoods
The People’s Action is dedicated to uplifting the lives of impoverished Detroiters. Through advocacy and direct programming efforts in key areas such as Community Development, Direct Resources, Basic Needs, Community Advocacy, and Safety, The Peoples Action embodies a fervent commitment to fostering positive change. Central to their mission is the innovative program Adopt the Block, which seeks to cultivate safe and thriving communities by empowering residents through participatory practices. By partnering with community members to address local challenges, Adopt the Block aims to elevate engagement levels and instill a sense of ownership in neighborhood revitalization efforts.
Under the leadership of Negus Vu, a passionate advocate for social justice, The Peoples Action serves as a light of hope and a catalyst for change in historically oppressed communities, and their program has helped lead to a 27% reduction in crime in their CVI zone. Vu’s transformative journey from a high-school dropout to a devoted advocate for change epitomizes the organization’s unwavering commitment to combating cultural deviance and fostering personal growth. Central to The People’s Actions mission is the imperative for communities to directly engage with change-makers, amplifying their voices and driving impactful transformation at the grassroots level.
“This is proactive work,” says Community Liaison Minister Freedom. “ We are going to keep engaging in the multilayer solution and the multilayer cure to stop the violence and bring betterment to our community.”
Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency: Strengthening Communities
In the fight against violence and poverty in inner-city communities, Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency (Wayne Metro) Understands that poverty lies at the heart of poverty and societal ills. Wayne Metro is dedicated to addressing the root causes of violence by empowering individuals and communities across Southeast Michigan to thrive. Founded in 1971, this nonprofit organization has been a steadfast ally to approximately 75,000 low- and moderate-income residents throughout Wayne County, offering over 75 programs aimed at fostering strength, health, and prosperity. These programs and the people behind them have led nearly 100 violence interruption patrols and have had more than 50 violence interruption trainings implemented in 2024.
Wayne Metro’s impact spans various critical areas, each aimed at lifting individuals and families out of poverty and towards self-sufficiency. Through their Healthy Homes initiative, they have provided assistance to tens of thousands of individuals and households, ensuring stable housing through utility, rent, mortgage, and home repair support. The Upward Mobility program equips over 12,000 individuals annually with financial coaching, homeownership counseling, and job training, empowering them to build assets and achieve economic independence. Additionally, Wayne Metro’s commitment to equity and inclusion is evident through its support of community organizations, engagement with residents through advisory councils, and substantial investments in grassroots initiatives aimed at catalyzing community-led transformation.
As Detroit strides boldly into the future, the contributions of these CVI groups stand as a testament to the power of community-driven change. Their endeavors extend beyond statistics; they embody the resilience, compassion, and unwavering determination of a city continuing to rise.