Medicaid Disaster

Governor Snyder took this extraordinary action today after the GOP-controlled Senate, of whom ALL have gold-plated, taxpayer-funded health care plans, refused to bring the Medicaid Expansion bill to a vote.

What a disaster!

The potential carnage bought about by the Senate’s failure to act is more than some boring, accounting statistic. Our CPA-nerd Governor explained, “Their failure to act will take a human toll on someone’s grandma-grandpa, mom-dad, sister-brother, son-daughter across the state of Michigan”.

“The repairs and assessments of Michigan’s damaged areas are ongoing,” Snyder said. “We are looking at all options to rebuild our communities and our public health after the GOP Senate leadership shirked its responsibility to all Michiganders, leaving the working poor to fend for themselves.”

Snyder declared a state of disaster to ensure that all possible resources, in accordance with the Michigan Emergency Management Plan, would be provided to assist the local communities.

Pure Politics-Pure Michigan

The Governor reiterated that this man-made disaster can still be avoided if members of his own party stop playing politics with the health care of 450, 000 Michigander sand get back to work to pass the Medicaid Expansion Bill.

“This human disaster can’t be pinned on President Obama” declared Snyder, biting his lip with his best intimidation of his ole “relentless positive action” self. “No”, the governor continued, “This mess has GOP tattooed all over it.”

Gov. Snyder got it right saying, “those without health care insurance typically wait until their medical conditions are so severe that they no longer can ignore them, and then they go to an emergency room. That’s an expensive way for them to get care. What’s even worse is they have to suffer with their illnesses. It’s not right, and it’s a failure for our society. That’s a failure for all of us, and we should do something about it.”

Governor Snyder was last seen mumbling to no one in particular, “Forget the Tea Party, come back, take a vote.”

Gilda Jacobs, Executive Director of the Michigan League for Public Policy understands the consequences of the GOP Senate’s inaction saying, “This is utterly disappointing and shameful. While the Senate has gone fishing for the summer, hundreds of thousands of hardworking people in their districts continue to face a future without needed health care – and for no good reason.”

Come back to work, Senators. It is not too late to rectify this mess. Emergencies are better if they are avoided all together.

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