Local Media Buzz: 2012 Legacy In Motion


The Detroit News Reports on the Michigan Chronicle’s 2012 Legacy In Motion:

Michigan Chronicle honors businesses, key newsmakers

The Roostertail switched on more than 50,000 soft white LED lights Saturday night to festively usher in the holiday season, while welcoming some 400 guests to the Michigan Chronicle’s annual Legacy in Motion gala. The event honors individuals and organizations that have made important contributions to the community’s economic growth and social well-being.

The party kicked off with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres before the black-tie crowd was led to their assigned dinner seats for the first half of the awards presentation. WDIV-TV news reporter Paula Tutman was mistress of ceremonies, introducing Hiram Jackson, interim Chronicle publisher, who welcomed the guests and spoke of the evening’s purpose.

Mayor Dave Bing, who was honored as a 2012 Newsmaker of the Year, was a no-show but sent a videotaped acceptance speech. Gov. Rick Snyder, also an honoree, got a standing ovation as he stepped to the podium.

A holiday-inspired meal — a cranberry/walnut/cornbread stuffed capon — was served before the second half of the program. Recently retired WXYZ-TV news anchor Diana Lewis and Fox 2 reporter Al Allen, who is retiring this week, were saluted with Lifetime Achievement Awards. Other honorees included Detroit businessman Jim Jenkins, Chris Jackson, Michael Finney, Faye Nelson, and the Rev. Jim Holley.

Nancy Schlichting and Bob Riney accepted the Company of the Year award for Henry Ford Health System, and Dr. Reginald Eadie, president of DMC Sinai-Grace Hospital, was named Rising Star of the Year.

The festivities ended with dancing and an assortment of sweets served from a 50-foot-long dessert table.

Click Here For Legacy In Motion Gala Highlights.


From The Detroit News: https://www.detroitnews.com/article/20121204/OPINION03/212040302#ixzz2ECGzIZxX


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