Lifestyles Report …The ugly Christmas sweater


I have some questions about the “ugly Christmas sweater.” First, when did this trend start and second, why would I want to wear anything that falls into the category of being ugly? What defines ugly? According to Merriam-Webster, it is “offensive to the sight, offensive or unpleasant to any sense.” With that definition in mind would you want to wear anything that is considered ugly?
Last week, there were ugly Christmas sweater parties everywhere. My nine to five crew incorporated one into a food fest and we even took a group photo. I wore my Christmas vest that I bought years ago at Walmart. I really like my vest and it is not ugly. It is fun and festive as were most of the sweaters that my co-workers wore.
The Christmas sweater phenomenon has become so crazy that stores are now purposely making them and selling them. When the trend first started, the thrift stores were the hot spot for finding abandoned Christmas sweaters. The funniest thing that I have seen is men wearing sweaters that were made for ladies. What I don’t like is when someone takes a normal sweater and then embellishes it to become what they call an ugly Christmas sweater. I have seen people hang tinsel and ornaments on sweaters in an attempt to make their sweater ugly. That is not fair. If the sweater wasn’t ugly from the jump, then don’t try to make it such.
So what makes a Christmas sweater ugly? According to the numerous sites on ugly Christmas sweaters, liberal use of red and green; large images of Santa, reindeer and snowmen; and I would like to add, that dang gone zipper closure takes the sweater to a new level of ugly. One site even brought up the name of Bill Cosby and called his sweaters ugly. I never thought his sweaters to be ugly; as a matter of fact I loved his sweaters. Looks like the “Cos” can’t get a break anywhere.

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