Sometimes we all need a little help with this thing called, “Adulting” here’s a hack to help with that!
Ahhhh, Summer, it’s party season and overall warm weather merriment! And if you are anything like me, you like to have a cool refreshing alcoholic beverage or several to celebrate that happiness.
Now let’s just say, you’ve been celebrating all night, so much so that you definitely know you need to get some food in your tummy before going to bed or tomorrow is going to suck. But you kind of accidentally got so drunk, that you have to take an Uber home or get a ride from your DD (Designated Driver). And you were real obnoxious so they wouldn’t stop and get you food or you’re just a bit too hammered to properly coordinate the request to your Uber driver.
Now your home, wasted, starving and ill equipped to prepare a booze soaking meal at this hour. What do you do? You could just down some water and ibuprofen and take your chances, but you know while you’re at whatever “Adulting” activity you need to be at in the morning, you will likely be either still drunk, wreaking of booze, and unable to remove your sunglasses until dusk.
Insert Crystal’s, Hangover Hack!!
The next time you are at your handy dandy grocer, make a stop down the instant mashed potato aisle. Yes – instant mashed potatoes aisle, it’s a thing. You can get the plain box but then seasoning will be required, and you’re drunk – no time for spices. Instead get the pre-seasoned individual cups or packs that are usually 10 for $10. Get a bunch, they’re cheap. Then on that one night when you had all that merriment, pissed off your friends, but still, have to go to your cousin’s graduation party tomorrow, here’s what you do.
When you get home, go straight to the kitchen – do not under any circumstances make a bedroom pit stop. You’ve got only one chance at this, and if your body touches the bed, it’s over! Heat some water in the microwave, dump that bag of taters into a bowl, pour the hot water over, stir, eat, soak up liquors!!
Yup mashed potatoes are an excellent hangover food! Yummy and starchy and also filling, perfect for absorption. Also, low in calories so you don’t completely blow your diet with booze and now McDonald’s calories. Even better than that, easy enough to make in most any state inebriation that allowed you to walk your own self into your house.
Still, have the water and the ibuprofen, and in the morning you should feel right as rain with no one the wiser. Now get out there and enjoy your summer full of libations!