It Is Time To Unleash the Weight of the Woman!

By Dr. Portia Lockett, Contributing Columnist


For generations, society imposed strict limitations on women, dictating what they could not do, where they didn’t belong, and insisting they should be followers rather than leaders. Women were expected to adhere to specific standards of dress and behavior. What a weight? However, a transformative shift eventually occurred, freeing women from these constraints and initiating significant change. But there is more unleashing that needs to manifest!


 Growing up in the 1960s it was uncommon to see women in roles such as bus drivers, mail carriers, political candidates, sports team owners, or working in car factories. Luckily, my grandmother was an entrepreneur at heart, owning multiple apartment buildings, a custom hat shop, and possessing the skills to play and teach various musical instruments. Like many of her time, she often engaged in the practice of bartering services and goods with others.


I am thankful that I witnessed first-hand that experience!


Sadly, in some cultures these burdens of the weight still exist, at times becoming overwhelming and

 remain open and up for discussion!


Let’s identify “things that weigh women down in the 21st century” which can be interpreted in several ways, including physical, emotional, social, and professional aspects. When these issues that women face are not addressed, they can easily lead to many forms of grief.

1. Societal Expectations:

 Societal norms and expectations can significantly impact women’s lives, including expectations about appearance, behavior, marital status, and motherhood. These expectations can limit women’s choices and opportunities.

2. Gender Roles:

 Traditional gender roles often place the primary responsibility of household chores and caregiving on women, which can limit their time and energy for personal and professional growth.

3. Workplace Inequality:

 Women often face challenges such as the gender pay gap, lack of representation in leadership roles, and workplace discrimination. These issues can hinder professional advancement and financial independence.

4. Emotional Labor:

Women are often expected to manage the emotional well-being of those around them, adding an unseen burden that can affect their mental health and personal time.

5. Health Concerns:

Women may experience specific health issues, such as menstrual pain, pregnancy-related challenges, and menopause, which can affect their physical well-being and daily activities.

6. Safety Concerns:

 Concerns about personal safety can restrict women’s freedom and opportunities. Issues like harassment, violence, and societal attitudes towards women’s safety can impact their mobility and sense of security.

7. Educational Barriers:

 In some parts of the world, girls and women face significant barriers to education due to cultural norms, poverty, and lack of resources, limiting their future opportunities.

8. Political Representation:

 Limited representation in political and decision-making processes can prevent women’s needs and perspectives from being adequately addressed, affecting laws and policies that impact their lives.

9. Mental Health Stigma:

Women may face stigma when dealing with mental health issues, making it difficult to seek help or support. This can exacerbate feelings of isolation and stress.

10. Beauty Standards:

 Unrealistic and narrow beauty standards can affect women’s self-esteem and lead to issues like eating disorders, unhealthy comparison, and significant financial and time investment in beauty routines.

Addressing these issues requires systemic change, including policy reforms, societal shifts in attitudes towards gender equality, and support systems that empower women to overcome these challenges.

What role do we play in unleashing the weight?


 It’s time to unleash the weight for all women!

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