Is Obama’s New Gun Plan the ‘Solution’?

We knew it was coming. In the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting, the issue of gun control has taken on a life of its own, with people from all walks of life jumping in on the discussion. You have witnessed it in one form or another. Perhaps most notable and frequent are CNN host Piers Morgan’ ongoing debates with a few of the biggest proponents of the National Rifle Association, perpetuating an endless fight over what do about concealed weapons.

The shocking and senseless death of twenty innocent, bright-eyed first graders has placed tremendous pressure on the government to react. Many feel that in light of the recent episodes of violence across the country, folks in Washington must do something to at least curtail the possibility of events like mass shootings.

But, what is the real solution? Is it gun control, or are there bigger issues, ones too complex to tackle at this time? Perhaps, the quickest form of action is to focus on the weapons at the center of this recent spike in mayhem as seen in places like Newtown, CT, Aurora, CO, and even at Virginia Tech.

One thing that cannot be denied is the country has been watching intensely to see how President Barack Obama will respond to the issue of gun control.

On Wednesday, he signed 23 executive actions that did not require approval from Congress. This update not only strengthens existing legislation but also considers issues such as mental health and school safety. New laws will require background checks on persons purchasing guns and ban certain assault weapons with high-capacity magazines. Obama is taking specific measures to address what can be controlled and to some extent accounted for by the law. Government has a responsibility to do all it can to protect its citizens.

Time will reveal the extent to which the new plan will affect gun violence. There’s a well known phrase that ‘guns don’t kill people; people kill people”. New laws won’t solve all our problems. Nevertheless, our President’s recent action is a step in the right direction. 

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