How to Make Well-Being a Priority—All Year Long

Most of us have daily habits to manage our homes, work, and social activities, but few have daily practices to manage our wellness.

August celebrates National Wellness Month, focusing on self-care, proper nutrition, and exercise. These are all aspects of wellness and habits to start now in your daily routines.

Eating well and exercising offer your body and brain immediate benefits of managing stress, depression, and anxiety. If you know you can better care of yourself, here are ten steps to improve your overall well-being consistently.

Stay hydrated. Drinking enough water is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body. Hydrating helps boost your energy and flush toxins from your body, and it also improves concentration and assists with shedding weight.

Prioritize exercise. Regular workouts, even as simple as taking a short walk, improves breathing, releases stress, and increases balance and flexibility. Overall, it helps with looking and feeling better.

Manage grief and trauma. Many of us are living with emotional pain from losing loved ones, a home, a job, or other issues. Understanding our emotions is critical to feeling well and maintaining healthy relationships.

Stretch or practice yoga. If you are on your feet all day or sitting at a desk most of the day, daily stretching can help improve your posture, heal back pain, and ease your mind.

Try something new. Whether it be a new bike route, exploring a new restaurant, or volunteering. Doing something new can help improve your mental outlook and make you feel good overall.

Pay attention. If something makes you feel overwhelmed or stressed, pay attention and act. Take a walk, try a breathing technique, talk to a friend, find something to help alleviate the overwhelming feeling, and allow yourself to slow down.

Make healthy food choices. Food can impact the way you feel. A balanced diet and good nutrition will help nourish your body and improve overall health.

Take in some sun. Vitamin D deficiency leads to several problems such as hair loss, fatigue, muscle weakness, back pain, and depression. Vitamin D deficiency usually is treated with supplements. See your doctor and determine the level of deficiency and the supplements you need, typically Vitamin D and Magnesium.

Get proper rest. Our body needs adequate sleep and rest to heal and renew the energy to function properly. This healing is essential for physical and mental activity throughout the day. Sufficient sleep regulates the hormones directly related to our mood and emotions. Most often, when you feel an irritated or emotional imbalance, chances are high that your body lacks in taking enough sleep. Most adults need nearly 6 to 7 hours of sleep per day, so ensure you get enough sleep to be well.

Avoid smoking and alcohol. If you continue drinking and smoking, no matter how much you spend on your health and how hard you try, your efforts will be wasted. Eliminate smoking and drinking to ensure you are living well.

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