How Some of the Michigan Chronicle Readers Feel About the Apocalypse


“I just don’t believe in a lot of the “end of the world” hype.  As many of the other predetermined events that have not come true, i.e. 1984, or the computer crash predicted for the New Year of 2000, I don’t think this will come about.  The end of the world will come of time [through] other means.”—Lance

“The rise of the Antichrist has surfaced and we as people are conforming and adapting to sin.  In the book of “Revelation” it speaks of an atmosphere of violence and suffering.  We are living the prophecy of the Bible as quoted in this book and I believe the end or “Apocalypse is upon us.”—Martin T.

I do not believe in the apocalyptic end of the world ending because it is just another conspiracy theory generated by our Government to frighten and control the people.  Many readings over the centuries have pointed to our demise in 2012 but we have to look at the messenger and their intent.  Anyone can interpret books, signs, and etc. to back up their end of the world theory especially if there are capitalistic benefits for them.  It is similar to the build up of Y2K.  Everyone, all over the world, was waiting for chaos to occur but after all of the generator, bottled water, software upgrade, and canned food sales; the year came and went uneventfully.  So again, when 2012 nears, sales will increase for survival gear and people will wait in fear but I believe we will all awaken the next day to wonder what was all the fuss about. —Katrina L.

I believe in apocalyptic end of the world theories, because I believe in God and the Bible. The Bible states in the book of Revelation that the end of the world is imminent either by fire or flood and I feel that this has already become apparent with the California fires and earthquakes and the Katrina floods, which have unfortunately eliminated a large population of the United States. The percentage of murders and death tolls are occurring daily; and every couple of years their is a new threat of some different type of flu, whether it is the bird flu (H5N1) or swine flu (H1N1) etc. Revelation also states that man should not worship devils nor sorcerers. In today’s economy psychic readings is on the rise. People no longer have a conscious; murder, theft, and fornication is also a way of life. —Gerald C.

I don’t believe in the end of the world but I know that anything is possible. I do believe in the end of civilization. History shows the end of civilization during many eras, B.C. and beyond. Various events have led to the end of civilization but the world has adapted and evolved with new animals, life forms and vegetation.  The concept of the world ending is unimaginable to me yet I find it both fascinating and intriguing.  Ironically enough no one here now would be able to see how things actually ended if none of us are here to see it! —Janelle G.

I believe in the “Apocalypse”.  I believe in the book of Revelations.  We are living in terrible times and with sin upon us, it is obvious that doom for this world should be near. We cannot continue to live our lives with intentional sin.  We must improve our way of existence.  But this will only happen with a new birth. —Kim

Fear has long been known and used to control the masses.  We in the United States are as susceptible as any society. Consider the Cold War, McCarthyism, Y2K bug, weapon of mass destruction, Homeland Security, N1H1…even annihilation by asteroid impact if human violence is not sufficient.  End of the World warnings are so common, we make light of placard-carrying prophets by way of jokes and cartoons.  We even use the entertainment of radio and motion pictures to detail the widespread destruction and chaos: War of the Worlds, Godzilla, The China Syndrome, Armageddon, and now 2012. Premised on our hopes for divine intervention, protection and assumption of responsibility for our daily lives, doomsday scenarios have persisted throughout the centuries if only to encourage atonement for our wrongdoing, Someday, the Earth will be destroyed, possibly by asteroid but surely by a dying Sun some billions of years from now. Given our track record as a species…maybe total cataclysm is a proper consequence. Who knows? At least we will have a sneak preview in the release of 2012. —Victor P.

I believe in the apocalyptic end of our world as described in the Book of Revelations in The Bible.  It is scary enough without having to manufacture an end.  I certainly don’t want to be left behind after The Rapture.  Many theologians profess that this is the End Times.  BUT, if we review what Revelations tells us, we are in for a real rough ride.  To see the movie, “2012” would give me some indication of what we can do to change before it’s too late.— A. Calvert

I’ve been around long enough to have experienced and lived through times that many thought/believed to have been, or at least had the potential to be the end of the world.  From the post world war era to the nuclear threat days up to the more recent demise of our world predicted for the millennium.  I remember young people, especially family, asking my opinion as to whether I believed the world was going to end in the year 2000.  For those who recall Prince’s “Going to Party Like it’s 1999” to Billy Graham’s interpretation of Revelation’s and how it was written that 2000 was it, to the Millennium Bug that would crash our global technology capacity and thereby cause the destruction of man and our world.  There are numerous examples throughout history, biblical and recorded, of events, natural (famine, pestilence, floods, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.) and man-made (wars for starters), that at the time were considered catastrophic.  Ask anyone experiencing them at the time and they most likely might have said that they thought it was the end of the world.  While not the end of the world, it was definitely the end of their world as they knew it.  The point is, that the term “last days” is a time-relative reference to which no one can yet assign a definitive value to and we must keep it in context and place it in perspective.  Fear is a product manufactured by man for his own economic gain and demise should he so chose.  Our need to assign fear to God is due more to our unwillingness to accept responsibility for own actions than anything else.  I do not believe we need fear God as long as we do right. —Rogelio L

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