While we all know the age-old adage ‘Black don’t crack’ skin tips for melanated skin are different from that of other skin types. Black skin is able to absorb the sun without getting easily burned, yet may retain more oil. Luckily, there are foods that can help with elasticity, collagen and overall skin health.
For those looking for a brighter and more radiant skin tone, tightening up on food habits and dietary choices can be the first step to clear skin. Collagen is naturally produced by the body and helps in not only skin, but bone, cartilage and muscle. Aside from water, consuming these foods will help restore your skin’s natural glory.
- Fruit lovers may have noticed citrus fruits are beneficial for the skin. Rich in vitamin C, consuming citrus fruits can help the body naturally produce more collagen. Vitamin C is also great for the immune system helping to fightviruses and germs. Lemons are especially good for the skin as theyhelp to naturally lighten blemishes and darks marks on the skin. Be sure to dilute the lemon to avoid acidic burns to the skin.
- Continuing with producing vitamin C, berries are a great component to add to the diet to improve skin health. If blackberries are your thing, just one cup provides half of the recommendedamount of daily vitamin C. With several options in the berry family, mixing options to create an assorted salad canadd variety.
- Since collagen is a type of protein, foods rich in protein can ultimately lead to the additional production of collagen. One food that is known for its rich protein content is eggs. Focusing on the whites of the eggs, amino acids are abundant and are essential tools to producing collagen. Omelets and scrambles are a great way to combine multiple collagen-building foods for consumption.
- For this next food, while the benefits may be worth it, it can cause an upset tummy. Beans are rich in protein and amino acids, but are also very good for skin health. Beans are a great way to boost collagen production as the body is able to use and combine proteins from multiple sources to produce collagen. By providing the body with an energy source, proteins are able to be used to give a kick to collagen production. Keratin, a protein for healthy hair, can also be aided with amino acids.
- Zinc is another way to help the body build collagen. A diet rich in nuts is a great source of zinc. There is no limit to the type of nut, so grab a pack of your favorites and turn them into a trail mix snack complete with dried berries and citrusfruits to really pack a punch.
- Fish and other seafood are essential to brain health. Omega-3s are vital to many aspects of overall health but also help protect skin membranes. While this may not directly help in theproduction of collagen, seafood and skin health are a perfect pair as fish and other shellfish are a great source of fatty acids. This helps skin retain its youthful appearance. It also helps skin maintain its elasticity and its bounce.
- Tomatoes are another major source of vitamin C. While considered a part of the fruit family, tomatoes are sometimes labeled as a vegetable. No matter its distinction, tomatoes are full of the antioxidant lycopene. This antioxidant provides the body with benefits including promoting good oral health, bone health and balancing blood pressure.
- Salad eaters can rejoice if they are looking to give their skin a natural glow. Spinach, lettuce, romaine and any other leafy green have everything needed for the body to build collagen. Considered a superfood, leafy greens can also help in digestion, weight loss, and providing the body with a high dosage of daily vitamin nutrition.