Enjoy Detroit: The Brand and the Movement

IMG_3171_optOperating from a small office located in Greenfield Plaza, Dave “SBoy” Woods and his team are definitely on the grind — pressing shirt after shirt for patrons eagerly waiting in the lobby of Enjoy Detroit for their custom T-shirt. The Detroit-born David and his younger brother Davon make entrepreneurship look easy as they laugh and converse with their customers, many of whom they refer to as family.
Entrepreneurship runs in the family as Woods’ father, “Bing” Shumate, owned several dollar stores on the west side of Detroit. The story behind Enjoy Detroit is a simple one that started in one of those stores.
“I started my company inside my dad’s dollar store on Tireman,” said Woods. “We started off just printing t-shirts for people and the print company became such a success that I decided to create an actual brand called Enjoy Detroit. Now, it has become so big that we’re able to use a lot of the proceeds to give back to the city of Detroit.”
The brothers took a once small brand and turned it into what they now call the “Enjoy Detroit Movement.” Led by Woods’ other entity, Sboyenjoydetroit Promotions (SBOY stands for Successful Brothers Of Youth), the team prides itself on a hands-on approach to providing numerous services to different communities within the city and has become one of the most positive efforts focused on the Detroit renewal. The Enjoy Detroit Movement team is made up of men, women and youth from all walks of life working towards one common goal, revitalizing the communities in which we live.
The team not only gives their time for Movement Clean Ups, a program through which they clean up poverty-stricken areas, they also joined the mayor of Highland Park for a community cleanup. Many even give up their holidays for an annual holiday clothing and food drive. The team also works closely with the Neighborhood Service Organization (NSO — Detroit Tsunami Center) and holds an annual Back to School event providing school supplies, haircuts for male youth and backpack giveaways. In addition to its many charitable offerings, the Enjoy Detroit Movement provides services such as after school workshops and mentoring for young Black men.
The team’s commitment to helping people better their lives doesn’t end there. When visiting the office, I was fortunate to meet one woman who was been deeply impacted by the Woods family. Robyn Rose, an aspiring actress and model who came to know the Woods after being hired for a photo shoot, bravely shared her tale as testament to the good nature of the Enjoy Detroit family.
“I’ve been affiliated with Enjoy Detroit for about two years after I was asked to do a photo shoot for them, recounted Rose. “After that, the vibe was so great and positive that I began to hang out at the store and volunteer for the neighborhood cleanups and other activities they were organizing.”
But what many didn’t know was that Rose was hiding a painful secret.
“During the time that I was working with the movement, I had something happen to me and my life was turned upside down. Nobody knew what I was going through — no friends, no family — I don’t think I fully understood what was happening to me.,” she said. “I’d been in a long-term relationship when after 10 years it suddenly began to turn violent. It started small, with verbal abuse then a little shove here and there then it escalated into smacks across the face until one night I thought I was going to be killed. I was literally dragged out of bed, down the stairs and viciously attacked by this man. I just remember lying on the floor not being able move.”
At this point Rose becomes emotional but she continued, fighting back tears in the process. A private person, she shares her story because she knows that it is important and may help another young girl who may be in a similar situation.
“Not being from Michigan I really didn’t know who or where to turn. Eventually, I had to tell Dave what was going on because we had so many events coming up and I couldn’t show up with two black eyes or wearing sunglasses all the time. One day I stopped in the store to see him when I removed my sunglasses to show him my bruised face, and he was in complete shock,” she recalled.
“He immediately began trying to help. He and the entire Enjoy Detroit team rallied around me and helped me get out of that situation. They provided me with several resources, but most importantly it was their positivity and direct support that gave me the strength to leave. Being around Dave and his family made it easier to move forward because I no longer felt alone.”
Rose’s perseverance in that situation led her to give even more of herself as she now runs the newest branch on the Sboy/Enjoy Detroit tree, SGIRL (Successful Girls Implementing Real Leadership), a mentorship program that helps young women.
“This Movement just touches everyone because everybody goes through stuff but with this group of people you will not have to go through it alone,” she said. “Enjoy Detroit represents unity and loyalty. We’re bringing faith back and basically bringing people together. Detroit gets a bad name, people say things like ‘beware of Detroit’ or ‘avoid Detroit’ but we flipped it and we say, Enjoy Detroit!
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The Enjoy Detroit Movement has been blessed to be a blessing to others.
“We have a lot of great things going on and the biggest things people can do for us is spread the word, acknowledge us and help out with the youth,” said Woods. “When you wear an Enjoy Detroit shirt you are acknowledging that you are part of the family. So join us in the movement by taking the pledge to Enjoy Detroit!
To purchase a shirt or to learn more about Enjoy Detroit and how you can join the movement visit: www.sboyenjoydetroit.com
Patreice Massey is a staff writer for Michigan Chronicle and can be contacted at (313) 963-8100 ext. 266 or at pmassey@realtimesmedia.com

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