EASTSIDE: Detroiters Hit Polls to Have Voices Heard

Turning up to vote … on a Tuesday! Today, Tuesday, Nov. 4, voters will decide the fate of the next seat holders who will run direct city and state offices for the State of Michigan. The men and women we elect to office tonight will be the decision makers for key offices that impact the lives of Michiganders and Detroiters in particular.
The hotly contested gubernatorial races featuring frontrunners: incumbent Rick Snyder vs. Mark Schauer and the U.S. senate race with incumbent Gary Peters pitted against Terry Lynn Bland were the primary draws to the polls. Michigan’s Secretary of State race with popular Detroit attorney Godfrey Dillard squaring off against the Republican incumbent, Ruth Johnson could significantly impact Detroiters. Dillard is a Democrat and a Detroiter.
In addition to the glamor races, voters are deciding the direction of other key quality of life factors, including; the State Supreme Court, the State Board of Education, University of Michigan Board of Regents and Michigan State  Board of Trustees.
The Michigan Chronicle visited a few Detroit locations to check out voter attendance and gauge the pace of the local turn out.
Darnell Crawford is a Super Poll Leader at East English Preparatory on Cadieux Rd. and has volunteered at poll locations for over 14 years. East English Preparatory hosts three precincts; 22nd, 32nd and 34th. By noon on election day, over 400 voters had placed their ballots in the appropriate precinct boxes and moved on, awaiting news of whether their candidates would be declared winners.
“I’ve seen more younger voters this year than before. Before they were coming with their parents when they were not old enough to vote. Now they are coming as voters with their friends,”says Crawford.
Bethany Lutheran Church on E. Outer Dr. is the voting home for  four precincts which include the 19th, 26th, 33rd and 36th with over 400 confirmed ballots as well.
According to veteran pole leaders, numbers are predicted to spike by 3 p.m today as people leave work for the day and head to the polls.

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