Jerry Hebron is a native Detroiter and product of the Detroit Public School System. Hebron is the current Executive Director of the Northend Christian CDC and Oakland Avenue Urban Farm, located in the Historic North End in Detroit. Hebron is married to William E. Hebron; together the two have 4 children, 11 grandchildren and 3 great-grands. Hebron and her husband work together running the Oakland Avenue Urban Farm where they cultivate people, food and community. Their farm is 6 acres with 3.5 acres dedicated to food production. The mission of the Northend Christian CDC is to provide resources in the North End Community to build a better community. The couple have done this by creating a farm-way that is open to and welcoming to everyone. The programs Hebron has implemented over the last 10 years includes Youth Mentorship, Work Force Development, Oakland Avenue Farmers Market, Youth Ambassador 4H Club, Animal Husbandry (we raise free range chickens), Food Safety and Business Incubation. Hebron is also leading the community vision regarding the Oakland Avenue Corridor Development.