Donald’s Ultimate Pandering ‘Trump Card’ Might Be Choosing a Black Man for His VP Candidate

Donald Trump seems hellbent on convincing people that he’s gotten the support of Black voters – particularly Black men – as we head into the 2024 presidential elections.

He’s making his rounds across the country to some predominantly Black cities, meeting with rappers, pastors, civic leaders, and residents, touting of his “accomplishments” as it pertains to the promotion of Black prosperity and liberation.

He has repeatedly boasted about his record on Black issues, claiming to have done more for the African American community than any president in history. However, a quick fact-check has shown that Trump’s assertions are largely exaggerated and even flat-out false.

Trump has claimed credit for historic low Black unemployment rates, but data shows that the trend began under President Barack Obama and continued uninterrupted during Trump’s term. He has also touted his support for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), but his administration’s funding increases were minimal and followed significant budget cuts.

Trump has further claimed to have passed criminal justice reform, but the First Step Act was a bipartisan effort led by Democrats and had limited impact. He has also falsely claimed to have ended the war on drugs, which remains ongoing.

Critics argue that Trump’s lies are an insult to the Black community, perpetuating a false narrative that ignores his administration’s harmful policies and actions. “Trump’s attempts to rewrite history are a slap in the face to the Black community,” said NAACP President Derrick Johnson. “His lies won’t erase the damage he’s done.”

During his visit to Detroit in early June, the convicted felon ex-president made a surprise visit to a Black Detroit church. His arrival was met with a mix of curiosity and skepticism from the city, but even though the stage was filled with Black Detroiters, most of the attendees were white people. Yet, the former president was determined to promote this as a meeting with Black constituents, touting his administration’s achievements and making grand promises for the future.

As he took the podium, Trump launched into a well-rehearsed speech, highlighting his record on criminal justice reform, economic development in urban areas, and his support for historically Black colleges and universities. He also took aim at his political opponents, accusing them of taking Black voters for granted.

But critics argue that Trump’s outreach efforts are nothing more than a cynical ploy to manipulate Black voters, many of whom remain skeptical of his motives. They point to his controversial record on race, including his response to the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville and his numerous attacks on Black political leaders.

Despite the skepticism, Trump’s campaign is banking on his ability to peel off a significant portion of Black voters in key battleground states like Michigan, where his visit was seen as a calculated move to make inroads with Detroit’s influential Black community.

The visit was orchestrated by Trump’s campaign advisers, who had been courting Black pastors and community leaders in the months leading up to the visit. The campaign also launched a series of targeted ads on social media and radio stations popular with Black listeners, touting Trump’s record and attacking his political opponents.

It’s clear that Trump’s efforts may resonate with some Black voters who have been parroting his narratives at every turn, but most others remain unconvinced. They see his outreach as a transparent attempt to exploit their community for political gain, without genuinely addressing the systemic issues that have long plagued Black America.

“President Obama never came to the ‘hood,” the church’s pastor said. Respectfully, pastor, Trump had never been to your church prior to pandering for your vote a few months before the election, and regardless of the results of the November election, he probably won’t come back. I’m sure he didn’t leave with your best interest in mind either, and I’m sure he’s not chomping at the bit to fight to make your ‘hood any better than it was when he got there.

But still, as the 2024 election season heats up, Trump’s campaign will likely continue to court Black voters with increased fervor, and for many in the Black community, the former president’s words ring hollow, and his actions speak louder than any speech or advertisement ever could.

I’m also sure that popping up at Black churches won’t be the end of Trump’s political stunts. It’s rumored that Trump is considering a historic move by selecting a Black man as his running mate for the 2024 presidential election, and sources close to the campaign have confirmed a few of his considerations. Among the potential candidates are South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, a Detroit native.

While some may see this move as a nod to diversity, each of these candidates has a record that is detrimental to the Black community.

Sen. Scott, a prominent Black conservative, has been criticized for his support of Trump’s controversial policies, including the 2017 tax overhaul that disproportionately benefited corporations and wealthy individuals. He has also been accused of being out of touch with the needs of his Black constituents in South Carolina. He was elected by a majority-white base and often touts his election as senator as proof that prejudice doesn’t exist. Meanwhile, he ignores the fact that being voted into office by a white majority means that he will have their best interests in mind and not the best interests of the Black voters who also cast votes for him.

Rep. Donalds, a rising star in the Republican Party, has voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which has provided healthcare coverage to millions of Black Americans. He has also supported draconian education policies that have harmed Black students.

Dr. Carson, a renowned neurosurgeon and former presidential candidate, has made controversial statements about poverty and race, blaming Black people for their own socioeconomic struggles while ignoring the systematic failures that have plagued Black communities for centuries. He takes the “If I could do it, everyone could do it” approach to things. While noble in thought, it’s an unrealistic approach to the dismantling of systematic failures. His tenure as HUD Secretary was marked by budget cuts and policies that exacerbated homelessness and housing insecurity.

Black voters and activists are wary of Trump’s motives, seeing this potential pick as a cynical attempt to tokenize and exploit Black political power without addressing systemic racism and inequality. They argue that any of these candidates would be a bad choice, as they have historically prioritized conservative ideology over the needs and well-being of the Black community.

But with all that said, I understand Black voters’ apathy toward the current President Joe Biden. In a recent poll from the Pew Research Center, 49% of Black voters said they would replace both candidates if they could. Eight percent of the polled voters said they’d replace Biden with a different democratic candidate and keep Trump on the ballot. That’s 57% of Biden’s base that is, at the very least, unsatisfied with him as a candidate.

As the 2024 election season heats up, Trump’s antics – and his decision on a running mate – should be closely watched. If he chooses one of these three candidates, it could further alienate Black voters and cement Trump’s legacy as a president who ignored and harmed the Black community. If he continues to pander for Black votes by telling you how great he’s been to you, you should research how much of what he’s saying is true. And you should consider the longer-term ramifications of what another Trump presidency would mean for the next 40-50 years in terms of your civil liberties.

Lastly, don’t believe that your individual Black vote doesn’t matter. If it didn’t, neither of these candidates would be trying to appeal to you as hard as they have been recently and will be in the coming months.

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