The Detroit VA Healthcare System will join Macomb Community College and the State of Michigan’s Military Veterans Affairs Agency to host a day-long Veterans Celebration & Welcome Home Reception at the college in Clinton Township.
The event will take place on June 26, 2013, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. in the Lorenzo Cultural Center (K Building), 44575 Garfield Rd., Clinton Township. Veterans of all eras are invited to attend, along with their families.
“Welcome Home events are great in terms of allowing us to meet with Veterans and inform them about the services available to them both here at the medical center and throughout the state,” said Dr. Pamela Reeves, Medical Center Director. “So often, Veterans come home after serving and they are unaware of their benefits, the steps they must go through to apply, health care here at the medical center and more. This gives us a chance to answer so many of their questions and realize their needs in one place, at one time.”
Dr. Reeves also noted that a Welcome Home event is a chance for Veterans to meet one-on-one with Veterans who can help them navigate the process. “We are thrilled to be collaborating with both Macomb Community College and the State of Michigan on this event.”
Also on-hand will be staff from Macomb Community College and Oakland University to speak to Veterans on the Post 9-11 GI Bill and other programs available to them. The Veterans Services Division of Michigan’s Workforce Development Agency will assist Veterans and their eligible spouses who are seeking employment or looking to start a business.
This event is free to all Veterans and pre-registration is not necessary.