Dancing away the pounds

one-on-one training
one-on-one training

Everyone can benefit from being active. Exercise comes in many forms, from parking further from the door to walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator.
Although small steps go a long way in enhancing healthy habits, what about steps to a routine? Dancing is an excellent way to stay physically fit and develop social skills, thereby improving mental health. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, “The qualities and benefits offered by dancing depend on the form concerned but as a general rule, it improves physical health by developing strength, suppleness, coordination and balance in varying amounts.”
Living Well spoke with Miss Angie B (Blocker), founder and CEO of Studio Detroit, a local dance studio designed to fit every woman’s lifestyle, including private fitness sessions.
“Learning to dance targets multi muscles at the same time while increasing confidence and self- image,” said Blocker who tailors fitness plans including diet consultation.
Dancing expedites getting in shape by utilizing many muscles at one time, thus producing a total body workout. In addition to private lessons, Studio Detroit offers Zumba and Afro-Cuban dance for adults starting at $8 a class. “Fantasy Fitness” themed parties are completely designed by clients and start at $15 per person.
For a complete list of classes and rates contact Miss Angie B at studiodetroit313@gmail or call 313-401-6771.
fitness classes
fitness classes

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