The multi talented Donald Glover, better known by his stage name Childish Gambino has been chosen to voice a teenage spider-man in Disney X D’s new animated series Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors set for a fall release. For this adaption Spider-Man’s name is Miles Morales and he is half African-American and half Puerto-Rican. The writer and co-creator of the series said “Many kids of color who, when they were playing superheroes with their friends, their friends wouldn’t let them be Batman or Superman,because they don’t look like those heroes but they could be Spider-Man because anyone could be under the mask.”
Marvel has been attempting to diversify their super heroes in order to appeal to everyone. The first major change they’ve made is choosing Michael B. Jordan to play the Human Torch in the upcoming Fantastic Four film. Hopefully this will open the door for other black actors to also suit up as some classic marvel characters.