#BeScene Featured Event: the black effect.

THE WHY: RBG is one of Huge’s affinity groups. The group came to existence because of pure exhaustion. At it’s birth in 2016, after the back to back murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, the black employees of Huge sat in a room together during working hours and collectively voiced how disregarded we felt. WE created a group to talk, praise, vent and celebrate with others who knew exactly what “it” was like. As the group grew stronger in minds, but not number, we grew in presence beyond our own thought. Today we are an officially sponsored affinity group making a change far beyond Huge’s walls.
RBG’s mission is to create a safe place for black and brown employees at Huge; to encourage mentorship, constructive dialog, and the learning of African Diasporic History; to embrace and celebrate melanin while promoting a supportive environment.
Early July, RBG hosted a mixer and panel discussion in Brooklyn called “The Black Effect”. More than 120 people from over 20 agencies were packed into Huge’s town hall to hear from 4 panelists. We had a VERY open and honest conversation about life as a corporate employee with a black face in a white space. We discussed the struggles of rising to the heights desired and the unknown battles that white America are purely oblivious to. And on November 8th, we plan to bring this event to life in the city of Detroit.
WHAT: RBG presents: The Black Effect ( a community mixer and panel discussion of honest dialogue about life in corporate america as a black person)
WHEN: November 8, 2018 5:30-8:30 pm

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