Events Aretha Takes Harvard to Church with National Anthem; Receives Honorary Doctorate (Watch) Editor May 31, 2014 <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-51218" src="" alt="Aretha2" width="666" height="443" /> <em>Photo credit: Montez Miller</em> You can now call her “Dr. Queen of Soul”…again. Aretha Franklin and seven other distinguished guests received honorary degrees from Harvard University on Thursday during its 363rd commencement ceremony. The legendary singer, 72, accompanied herself on piano to perform a gospel-flavored rendition of the national anthem that had people cheering. Watch below. Franklin received an honorary doctor of […] <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-51091" src="" alt="aretha" width="688" height="458" /> Photo credit Montez Miller <div class="copy-paste-block"> <div class="article-body"> <div> You can now call her “Dr. Queen of Soul”…again. Aretha Franklin and <a href="" target="_blank">seven other distinguished guests</a> received honorary degrees from Harvard University on Thursday during its 363rd commencement ceremony. <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-51220" src="" alt="Aretha 3" width="651" height="432" /> Photo credit: Montez Miller The legendary singer, 72, accompanied herself on piano to perform a gospel-flavored rendition of the national anthem that had people cheering. Watch below. [ione_embed src=// service=youtube width=560 height=315 type=iframe] Franklin received an honorary doctor of arts degree during the ceremony, adding to her growing collection. Earlier this month, she picked one up from New York University. [<em>See pic below</em>.] Former president George H.W. Bush and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg each received doctor of laws degrees from Harvard. Also, an honorary doctor of letters degree was given to Latin author Isabel Allende. </div> </div> Read more at </div> [/embed] About Post Author Editor See author's posts From the Web