Are Soaring Property Valuations a Reason for Celebration or Concern for Detroiters?

The reality of homeownership for many Detroiters has been a journey riddled with obstacles, where the dream of owning a home has often collided with the hard pavement of undervalued properties. This is not merely a matter of market dynamics but a reflection of a deeper, systemic issue where the worth of a home is inextricably tied to the perceived worth of its neighborhood. In these communities, the echoes of disparity resonate, painting a picture where owning a home does not equate to holding valuable assets but rather holding onto a relentless hope for equity and recognition.

Today, Detroit is currently witnessing a seemingly seismic shift in its real estate game — a renaissance that’s touching every corner, every block of the city. This shift is profound, eclipsing even the esteemed markets like Miami, known for their soaring property values. Visualize this: Detroit’s diverse neighborhoods are witnessing an average increase in property values of 23% from 2023 to 2024, a leap that’s both remarkable and significant and one that represents the single highest jump of any major market in the U.S. over the time span. Yet, this surge is more than just a statistic; it’s a moment to both celebrate and approach with caution.

It’s crucial to recognize that this increase is not merely about the numbers but about valuing the heart and soul of Detroit’s communities. It’s a testament to the city’s resilient spirit, showcasing to the world that Detroit is not just recovering but ambitiously leaping forward. However, amidst this applause, there’s a need for vigilance. Such rapid growth brings with it the potential for gentrification and displacement, challenges that must be navigated with care to ensure that the benefits of this revival reach all Detroiters equitably. This is a moment for Detroit to shine but also a critical time to safeguard the inclusivity and soul of its rejuvenation.

“The increase in home purchases over the last 10 years is a real testament to the cross-sector collaboration to create a healthy housing market. With the housing market strengthening in Detroit, we must leverage targeted investments that create stronger and more equitable homebuying opportunities,” Anika Goss, Detroit Future City president and CEO. “These investments should be prioritized to develop greater diversity in housing prices, allowing the city to capture homebuyers with broader ranges of income who have accessible opportunities to attain a mortgage.”

This increase in property values, however, comes with thoughtful consideration for the homeowners. The state legislation’s cap on annual property tax increases ensures that residents are shielded from abrupt financial burdens due to these rising values. Homeowners throughout the city will receive notices informing them of their increased property assessments, reflecting this continuous growth.

While addressing concerns about Detroit’s economic growth historically being limited to affluent neighborhoods like Palmer Woods, Corktown, and Grandmont-Rosedale, Mayor Duggan highlighted a shift in this trend. “We are now seeing the neighborhoods that had lagged before are now climbing the fastest. You can just drive down the streets of the city and people fixing up houses is now spreading to neighborhoods that four or five years ago you would not have seen any work being done. That’s because the property values are going up.”

This statement raises a critical eyebrow that ignites the question: Will Black homeowners in less popular areas of the inner city feel the positive impacts of this surge in property values? Detroit’s inner-city homeowners have long faced a tough reality where economic challenges and disparities in property values are part of daily life. These neighborhoods, rich in culture and history, have traditionally been overlooked in the real estate market, resulting in significantly lower property values compared to the city’s more affluent areas. This gap in valuation has not only affected the financial stability of the residents but also contributed to a broader narrative of economic and social marginalization.

Systemic issues have deepened these disparities. Practices like redlining, which historically restricted minority communities’ access to fair housing loans, have left a lasting scar on property values. This legacy of discrimination created a vicious cycle: lower property values led to reduced public services, further devaluing these neighborhoods. The 2008 financial crisis hit Detroit hard, exacerbating these challenges with high foreclosure rates and an increase in vacant properties, further depressing the values of surrounding homes.

But there’s seemingly a new chapter unfolding in these historically neglected areas. Recent initiatives focusing on infrastructure improvement, better access to education, and community revitalization are starting to turn the tide on property values. Yet, this upswing brings its own set of challenges, like gentrification and rising living costs, potentially pushing out long-standing residents. Detroit now stands at a crossroads, striving to find a balance between economic rejuvenation and preserving the unique character of its diverse communities, ensuring that the upliftment in property values benefits everyone equally.

City data further reveals that 67% of Detroit’s 209 neighborhoods experienced an increase in property value appreciation of 15%-29%, and another 23% appreciated by 30%-49%. Since 2017, the total value of all residential property in the city has soared by more than 200%, from $2.8 billion to $8.7 billion.

“We have had some tough times in Detroit. I am really pleased that the homeowners who stayed have been rewarded,” said Mayor Duggan.

Seemingly, the city’s financial outlook shines brighter with this rise in property values. “The increased home value in every neighborhood is significant as it provides greater stability not only for neighborhoods but also for the City’s financial outlook,” said Detroit CFO Jay Rising. Mayor Duggan’s anticipation of the upcoming U.S. Census Bureau’s announcement on Detroit’s population growth adds another layer of optimism. This demographic increase, coupled with a shift from ‘distressed’ to more market-driven real estate sales, signals a holistic revival of Detroit’s urban fabric.

This trend presents a significant opportunity for wealth accumulation and community revitalization, especially for Black homeowners in traditionally underserved areas. However, it also prompts a deeper examination of whether the benefits of this real estate boom are equitably reaching all corners of Detroit, including neighborhoods that have historically been marginalized.

The City of Detroit has begun dispatching revamped proposed assessment notices to over 408,000 property owners, spanning residential, commercial, industrial, and personal properties. These notices, which outline the proposed assessments for 2024, are a critical step in the city’s property tax process, but they’re not the final tax bills. The actual bills will be sent by the City of Detroit’s Office of the Treasury at the end of June and November.

Revolutionizing the old system, these new notices are a result of the Property Tax Reform ordinance passed by the City Council last year. They come in a larger, more readable print and provide comprehensive information about the assessment appeals process. This is a nod towards greater clarity and understanding for property owners, empowering them with the knowledge they need to navigate the system.

Moreover, the city has extended the deadline for assessment appeals, recognizing the importance of giving property owners ample time to review and respond to their assessments. These proposed assessments for 2024 are tentative until they pass through the local review in March and any adjustments by the Wayne County Assessment and Equalization Department in April. Property owners now have three weeks, from February 1st through 22nd, to file their appeals, a window that the City of Detroit has made a permanent feature.

The city’s ordinance now allows even tenants with a financial stake in a property to file an appeal. This broadened eligibility means that more Detroiters can have a say in how their properties are assessed, ensuring a fairer process for all involved. For those seeking to appeal, the process has been made accessible: appeals can be filed online, by mail, or in person at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center.

The City of Detroit is gearing up for the March Board of Review, starting March 6th and ending March 23rd.

As we reflect on the significant shifts in Detroit’s real estate market, with property values in inner-city neighborhoods witnessing a remarkable upward trajectory, a pivotal question emerges: How does it impact Black homeowners in these communities, particularly in the long run?

The increase in property values across Detroit’s neighborhoods, outpacing all other high-value markets across the country, is not merely a symbol of economic recovery; it represents a profound shift in the narrative of a city once marred by decline. This change, while heralding a renewed sense of hope and opportunity, also brings to the fore critical considerations about the future of housing affordability and community stability.

For Black homeowners in the inner cities, who have historically faced the brunt of economic and social inequities, the rising property values present a complex scenario. On one hand, it offers an opportunity for wealth accumulation and financial security, a chance to reap the benefits of a resurgent city. On the other hand, there’s the looming concern of gentrification and displacement, issues that could potentially undermine the long-term stability and cultural fabric of these historically marginalized communities.

As Detroit continues to chart its course toward economic revitalization, it’s imperative to ask: How can the city ensure that this growth is inclusive and equitable? How can the benefits of rising property values be harnessed to support, rather than displace, the very communities that have been the backbone of the city through its toughest times? The answers to these questions will not only shape the future of Detroit’s housing market but will also define the city’s commitment to fostering a community where progress benefits all its residents.



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