AJ Williams’ New Book “#KICKASS” Redefines Success

AJ Williams, Editor: Michigan Chronicle, City.Life.Style. and author of #KICKASS: A Chicks Guide To Living A KICK-ASS Life!

Who is AJ Williams? Depending on whom you ask you’re likely to get a few different answers.

A lifelong Detroiter and a straight shooter by nature she has been committed to being her authentic self long before it became a trend. Williams is the City Life Style editor for the Michigan Chronicle, and you can catch her every other Thursday on WDIV Channel 4’s Live in the D with her segment, “What’s Happening Around the D.” And if that’s not enough, she’s also a motivational speaker, relationship expert, emcee, blogger and freelance writer. A media mogul in the making Williams is blazing a path all her own.

Jason Carr and AJ Williams – WDIV “Live In The D!”

Williams is as bold as her hot pink hair. She’s created two notable platforms catering exclusively to women. There’s “Single Black Chick,” a movement dedicated to the single woman being whole and complete in her singleness and Chickdom a lifestyle brand for women that focuses on CHICK power and inspiration. “My whole mission is to help women connect with their soul, sexuality, and instincts to achieve completeness so that we can live amazing lives without compromising our authentic selves.”

After the successful publication of her first e-book, “5 Things Every Single Chick Should Know” Williams decided to up the ante and is releasing her latest paperback, #KICKASS: A Chick’s Guide to Living a KICK-ASS LIFE.”

The book is a guide to connect women with the foundational steps to living a #KICKASS life by realizing that success isn’t about optics but how you feel internally. Her message is as old as time, “living a #KICKASS life begins inside because real success is based on the most important relationship in your life…your relationship with you,” but her delivery is fresh and original.

“This book is all about woman empowerment and being unapologetically happy and successful,” said Williams.

In this new age of social media, the pressure to appear perfect is all too real. Countless women spend hours mulling over photos in an effort to find the right images to post in search of ‘likes’ or the ubiquitous #goals stamp of approval (read: #realtionshipgoals, #friendshipgoals, #vacationgoals, etc.). “As women, we wear so many hats and have so much pressure to be many different things without really connecting to who we are,” said Williams. “Everyone wants to do it for the ‘Gram, to show that you have the big house, shiny new car, cool sunglasses – all the trappings of success. But if you don’t know who you are and if you aren’t whole none of those things will make you happy.”

It’s a message that Williams knows first hand. Years ago, Williams was living what many would assume was her best life. She had a nice car, home, a handsome husband, and a successful career as a banker. She even rocked tailored suits.

But even with all that, life was no fairytale.

In the pursuit of her piece of the American dream, Williams decided it was best to set aside her high school dream of being a writer and go into banking, as it seemed to be the more lucrative choice. “I come from very humble beginnings, and I really wanted to make some money…because after growing up without much you think money will make things better – money will make me happy,” Williams said. “And don’t mistake me, I believe money, marriage, and material items are a compliment to happiness but nothing will make you happier than being your authentic self.”

AJ Williams #KICKASS: A Chicks Guide To Living A KICK-ASS Life. Available on www.CHICKDOM.com

Williams is very open in this book; she lets readers in on her journey as she goes from married banker to divorced author and media maven. She shows her vulnerability when describing moments of self-doubt as she was coming to realize her own version of success.

“I’m a pretty transparent person, so I used myself as an example to inspire other women to understand that success is not a look, it’s a feeling. You can have everything in the world and still feel broken. And I think we need to talk about that.”

Earlier I asked, ‘Who is AJ Williams?’ After reading her book, one could say she is courageous, fearless, at times vulnerable and always unapologetic. But if you ask the woman herself, she would say, “AJ Williams is a KICK-ASS chick.”

Purchase your copy of #KICKASS: A Chick’s Guide to Living a KICK-ASS LIFE” at CHICKDOM.com. Visit SingleBlackChick.com to download Williams’ free e-book “5 Things Every Single Chick Should Know”. Follow AJ Williams on Facebook @CHICKDOM x AJ Williams and on Instagram @CHICKDOM

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