13thAnnual ARISE Detroit! Neighborhoods Day showcases hope, heart and change across the city
On the east side of Detroit, George Preston of the Mohican Regent Community Association was marching for peace. Youth volunteers were cleaning up the grounds around Detroit City Airport.
Blue Cross Blue Shield volunteers were sprucing up Charles L. Spain Elementary School and Sanai Wilkins, 16, was learning how to prepare rain barrels and plant vegetable gardens with the Chandler Park Neighborhood Association and Sustainable Community Farms.
On the west side there were musical performances at the Motown Museum and school supply giveaways and health fairs with Restoring The Neighbor Back To The Hood and the 15thStreet Block Association.
They were all part of the more than 200 registered organizations taking party in the 13thannual ARISE Detroit Neighborhoods Day on Aug. 3, a spectacular community declaration of pride, work and celebrations in zip codes all across the city.
The day was created to put a spotlight on the work of scores of churches, block clubs and community groups who toil often unnoticed and unheralded throughout the year.
The day consisted of 80 beautification projects, participation of more than 30 churches, 11 health fairs, 10 school supply giveaways and six major festivals and art fairs.
“I think Neighborhoods Day is an amazing event and we celebrate it every year,” said Tamika Hamilton, board member of the Church of The Messiah, which held a community festival called the Islandview Rising.
Amazing, indeed.
This special issue of Neighbors highlights some of the many community improvement efforts throughout the city on Neighborhoods Day.
Thank you, Detroit!
Luther Keith, executive director, ARISE Detroit!