A New Cancer-Detecting Yogurt Could Eliminate Need for Colonoscopy

Wow! This is certainly news we can use.
Especially if you’ve ever been through the uncomfortable colonoscopy process. The process is a cancer screening that allows the doctor to look inside your entire colon and rectum for potential signs of cancerous polyps.
The scary thing is, and I’ve heard this from a LOT of people diagnosed with cancer, breast cancer aside, you don’t really feel anything. So you have no idea if there is a polyp or not.
The procedure is generally recommended to those approaching age 50, but some may be required to have it earlier.
But now, work is being done that will hopefully eliminate the need for colonoscopies and MRIs. Word has it that work is being done to actually replace the need for these procedures with a simple helping of, wait for it, yogurt – followed by a urine test.
Read more at https://www.eurweb.com/2014/10/a-new-cancer-detecting-yogurt-could-eliminate-need-for-colonoscopy/#xQXVQsYBm8G2QHmf.99

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