5 Family Adventures for Exploring Your Metroparks

Early spring in the Huron-Clinton area is an excellent time to get outside, explore greenspaces, and reconnect with nature! Spending time outdoors is crucial for physical and mental wellness. With almost 25,000 acres of parkland, your Metroparks offer ample opportunities for family fun outside. 

Don’t let the occasional chilly temperatures deter you. Grab a windbreaker, pack a snack, and head out for adventure! Since April is generally windy and rainy, choose activities that don’t take you far from the car or shelter. Save longer hikes or bike rides for later in the month and into May. If you’re looking for inspiration, here are five of the best things to do in your Metroparks for an early spring family outing.

Go Fly a Kite!

Although cloudy and rainy days aren’t ideal for kite-flying, there is a chance that several of the early-April forecasts call for sunny skies with light winds. This is your opportunity to get out and let your kite soar! If you’re new to this sport, check out the American Kitefliers Association guide for beginners before you head out. The best locations for kite flying are at the Lake St. Clair Metropark, Kensington Metropark, and Stony Creek Metropark.

Visit the Farm

Spring is the perfect time to visit the farm centers at Kensington Metropark and Wolcott Mill Metropark. You’ll be able to see new baby animals and the bustling activity from the farm coming alive again for the busy season. At the Kensington location, you can visit the dedicated kid’s area, see an innovative eco-conscious green building, and walk through the labyrinth. The Wolcott Mill location features a robust working farm, demonstrations of traditional skills, and plenty of animals to pet. Herb gardens and field crops are also on display, and you’ll catch the first green sprouts of the year.

Play Like a Kid Again

The mild weather is an excellent time to enjoy the playgrounds at your Metroparks. With various sizes and plenty of equipment available, kids of all ages will find something fun to do. Before the heat and humidity of summer roll in, take advantage of the cool days to let the kids run around the greenspaces playing chase, climb over the structures, and dig in the sand. Many locations offer climbing walls, bridges, and unique features like a labyrinth or maze! Take your family to explore the different offerings at each park.

Attend Events

Throughout April, you can find various events throughout your Metroparks. The calendar has up-to-date information on available activities, so browse for your family’s favorites! Metroparks offers everything from workshops about camouflaged critters to moonlight hikes, with many weekend options for busy families. Events require pre-registration and a nominal fee, so make plans early! While most offerings are suitable for all ages, some options have age requirements that you should note. Metroparks events are a great way to meet other members of your community and learn from experienced volunteers and professionals who are passionate about nature and being outdoors.

Explore Nature Centers

If the weather is particularly cold or rainy, take the family to one of the many Nature Centers throughout seven of the Metroparks. With a combination of indoor and outdoor displays and interactive activities, you can take advantage of the shelter when the need arises—then head outside for that fresh air when the sun peeks out! The Nature Center at Oakwoods Metropark has plenty of indoor exhibits that allow for hands-on experiments and exploration; everyone will learn about Michigan’s natural resources, native tribes, and unique animals. If you happen upon nice weather, head out to some of the easiest trails in the Metroparks system—most are flat and well-packed! A family outing to the Nature Center will let your kids reconnect with nature while learning at the same time.

Every day is the perfect day for outdoor fun, so head to your Metropark of choice and explore this month!

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