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Youthbuild Using Grant To Build Green Homes



YouthBuild Detroit, as part of a national Walmart Foundation grant, was awarded $100,000, saving its program from closing late last year. Since this time, they have used the grant funding to engage 67 low-income youth in this year’s program — building green, affordable housing in the process.

As a result of the grant, and YouthBuild’s hard work, their current work-site — once a drug house — now has several environmentally-friendly renovations, including siding made of 100 percent recyclable products.

On Oct. 21, YouthBuild Detroit students will be on-site insulating the house at 15769 Wildemere Street, with environmentally-friendly materials. The home was built by the students for Detroit – area residents in need.

For more information, contact: Indira Pierce, Detroit YouthBuild, at 313-256-7280 or

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