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Trump mucks up holiday travel for 4th of July

 As travelers hit the road for July Fourth, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is alerting consumers to the potential harm to consumers and the U.S. economy of the Trump administration’s plan to roll back fuel economy standards. NRDC estimates how much more consumers would pay to be on the road nationally and in five states:  Colorado, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

Trump’s rollback of clean car standards would hurt everyday Americans at the pump. The price of gas usually rises in the summer. Some analysts say that gas prices now are at their highest level since 2014. However, today’s cars, trucks, and SUVs cost less to fill up because they can go farther on a tank of gas. Vehicles have been getting more fuel efficient every year since 2012 because of the current standards.
A fact sheet outlining the national impact on consumers of the fuel standards rollback, including breakout estimates for the five states, will be available during the week of July Fourth.
Clean car standards are vital to protecting public health, consumers’ pocketbooks and the environment. They keep our air clean and allow us to enjoy outdoor activities, like Fourth of July picnics, by reducing soot and smog. They protect us from dangerous climate change by limiting levels of planet-warming carbon pollution. Fuel economy standards save families money on gas and make us less depend on oil.
The Trump administration plan to dramatically roll back fuel economy and emissions standards for vehicles built for model years 2021 to 2025 was exposed in a leaked draft of the proposal. The administration intends to freeze the standards at the model year 2020 level, essentially telling automakers they don’t have to make vehicles any cleaner or more fuel efficient after 2020.

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