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Trayvon’s Mom Disappointed Over Zimmerman Bond



NEW ORLEANS — The Mother of Trayvon Martin says she was disappointed by a Florida judge’s decision to give George Zimmerman another chance at posting bond and leaving prison before trial.
RELATED: Seriously? Judge Releases Zimmerman Again!
A judge granted Zimmerman bond Thursday for a second time, setting it at $1 million. His previous $150,000 bond was revoked after prosecutors presented evidence that he had misled the court about his finances. Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in Martin’s death.
Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton (pictured), spoke Friday at a news conference with the Rev. Al Sharpton. She says that knowing her son’s killer “may walk free sometime, one day, it really hurts.”
Martin’s family is in New Orleans to attend the Essence Music Festival, an annual musical extravaganza that also tackles themes of importance to African Americans, such as education and the criminal justice system.

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