The Friends of the Southfield Public Library will host the Friends Author’s Tea on Sunday, March 18, 2018 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Southfield Public Library Meeting Room, 26300 Evergreen Road.
Tickets are $10 for Friends members and $20 for non-members and may be purchased at the library front desk or online at EventBrite at the $20 price only (plus additional fee). All members must show their Friends membership card (not library card) to get tickets at the $10 member price. This event is recommended for an adult audience.
The Authors featured on the panel will include Mayor Ken Siver with An Uncommon Criminal: The Extraordinary Life of Dr. Edwin Turner Osbaldeston; Renee Micou with The Dentist Chair; Dr. Eddie Connor with Woman; Krystal Banks with Don’t Be A Dumb Criminal; and Stephen Mack Jones with August Snow. A meet-and-greet, book sale and book signing will precede and follow the event.
The event will also feature the musical stylings of strolling violinist Jay Reid and delicious beverages provided by Master Tea Blender Mary Jones in addition to hors d’oeuvres.
For more information, contact Friends of the Library President Yolanda Haynes at (248) 796-4397 or the
Southfield Public Library at (248) 796-4200