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Singer Frank Ocean of Odd Future Steps Out of the Closet!

As the country is celebrating its independence, singer Frank Ocean is joining in on some festivities of his own.  The rising star R&B singing member of the hip-hop collective Odd Future — and Kanye West’s protegé — stepped out of the closet on Tumblr[1] in a message that read, “My first love was a man.”

“4 summers ago, I met somebody,” he wrote. “I was 19 years old. He was too. We spent that summer, and the summer after, together.  By the time I realized I was in love, it was malignant. It was hopeless. There was no escaping, no negotiating with the feeling. No choice. It was my first love, it changed my life.”

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Ocean’s confession comes on the heels of the one that was made by journalist Anderson Cooper, who also recently admitted[2] to being a gay man.

Ironically, Odd Future is known for being progressive but the group’s head honcho ‘Tyler the Creator’ has been attacked for writing violently anti-gay and misogynistic music. As a matter of fact, he was targeted by GLAAD[3], the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, last year who referred to him as “irresponsible.”  In the song “Goblin,” the word “fa**ot is used or variants there of, a total of 213 times.

Tyler did express support for his colleague on his Twitter account.

Ocean, who has worked with such A-listers as Beyoncé, Kanye and John Mayer, has a debut album, “Channel Orange,” dropping on July 17. In the wake of heightened conversations surrounding gender roles and sexuality, his announcement — and subsequent album sales — should speak volumes about society’s shifting opinions on the LGBT community.

There are those men who might not feel comfortable singing the lyrics of a love song knowing that they were penned for another man.

Time will tell….

Ocean, congratulations on taking a huge leap and keeping it real!  We wish you much success!


  1. ^Tumblr (
  2. ^admitted (
  3. ^GLAAD (

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