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Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid accuses FBI chief James Comey of a cover up

By Alisha Dixon
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid accuses FBI chief James Comey of a cover up amid allegations that Russia has tampered with the election.
Reid alleges the FBI was aware that the CIA confirmed the Russian government was involved in helping get Donald Trump elected as president. “This is not fake news. Intelligence officials are hiding connections to the Russian government. There is no question,” Reid said. “Comey knew and deliberately kept this info a secret.”
Reid also accuses Comey of medling in the 2016 election by releasing more email allegations against Hillary Clinton just days before Election day. Reid said Comey “let the country down for partisan purposes.”

Reid believes Comey needs to be fully investigated. “I think he should be investigated by the Senate. I think he should be investigated by other agencies in the government, including the security agencies,” Reid said. “If ever there was a matter of national security, it is this.”

Incoming Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer believes an investigation needs to take place. “Senate Democrats will join with our Republican colleagues next year to demand a congressional investigation and hearings to get to the bottom of this. It’s imperative that our intelligence community turns over any relevant information so that Congress can conduct a full investigation,” Schumer said.

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