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Richard Daley: Former Chicago Mayor Steps Out With New Girlfriend [VIDEO]


 Former mayor of Chicago, Richard M. Daley, 71, has stepped out on the town with his reported girlfriend, Dr. Adele Joy Cobbs, 41, reports

The couple officially made their national debut at the June 22 wedding party of financier Mellody Hobson, 43, and film-maker George Lucas, 68, who tied the knot at Skywalker Ranch in Marin County, California.

As previously reported by NewsOne, Hobson, who is president of Ariel Investments LLC, a $3 billion investment firm based in Chicago, and the Star Wars director have been together for 7 years.
Read more from DNA Info:
Sources who were at the George Lucas-Mellody Hobson wedding party, held in June at Promontory Point, said Daley and his date “hit it off after meeting at the gym,” [Shia] Kapos reported in Crain’s.
Neither Daley nor Cobbs confirmed their dating status to Crain’s. Cobbs couldn’t be reached for comment.
Cobbs, who lives in Hyde Park, got her medical degree from the University of Wisconsin and specializes in emergency medicine. She has worked at Edward Hospital in Naperville, and Mount Sinai Hospital and Cook County hospitals in Chicago. Cobbs’ mother, the late Sarah Cobbs, was a pediatrician.
In 2010, when Cobbs was 38 years old, Daley appointed her to the Chicago Board of Health, a position she still holds, according to the department’s website. Cobbs is the youngest medical doctor on the unpaid board.

Other A-Listers who attended the Hobson-Lucas wedding include R&B singer Ne-Yo, Chicago resident and civic leader Rev. Jesse Jackson, actor Robin Williams, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, CBS This Morning co-anchor Gayle King, Today’s Al Roker, CNN contributor Van Jones, Jesse Jackson, radio host Tom Joyner; former Congressman Harold Ford Jr, former White House Social Secretary and current CEO of Johnson Publishing Company, Desiree Rogers, and MSNBC PoliticsNation host Rev. Al Sharpton.

See guests arrive at the star studded event below. Daley and Cobbs arrive approximately at the 50 second mark:

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