Register Now For Fall 2013 Session Of Michigan Shifting Gears


Michigan Shifting Gears, an intensive career transition initiative sponsored by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, kicks off a new three-month session on Tuesday, September 24. Registration for the Fall 2013 session is open now through Friday, September 13.

“Michigan’s economy is growing, with small businesses and entrepreneurs leading the way,” said Michael Finney, President and CEO of the MEDC. “At the same time, many talented Michiganders are looking for new career opportunities. Michigan Shifting Gears provides participants with a roadmap to their next great job, and start-up companies with the skilled workers they need to continue to grow.”

The program is designed to help experienced professionals, returning veterans, stay-at-home parents and others facing a career crossroads fine-tune their skills to fit the needs of small businesses and entrepreneurial start-ups. Launched in 2009 by Ann Arbor SPARK and Sensei Change Associates, Michigan Shifting Gears is a unique opportunity for seasoned professionals and other transitioning job seekers to learn how to put their talent and experience to work in an entrepreneurial environment.

Participants in Michigan Shifting Gears receive a professional career assessment and career coaching, attend eight days of workshops, participate in networking events, and take part in a three-day small business simulation. Students are paired with volunteer mentors from the entrepreneurial community who work one-on-one to review their resumes, provide career advice, and help with their career transition.

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