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Minni’s Morning Coffee: Pastor, Councilman Get Sassy on Twitter

After the Detroit City Council decided not to allow a millage proposal on the November ballot that would cost property owners hundreds of dollars a year, a twitter storm broke out.

One Detroit pastor dug into City Councilman Kenneth Cockrel Jr. after Tuesday’s vote. The twitter spat seemed ironic coming from a pastor, whose faith, above all things, commands forgiveness and non-judgment.


The background of the dispute started on Tuesday when Police Chief Ralph Godbee and the Detroit Police Commission had the city council decide whether to ask voters in November if the city should put 8 mills on property tax and that could raise enough money to put 500 police officers to the street.


For people who own houses worth $50,000 the tax would be $250 a year on top of other city taxes and millages.


Cockrel went to twitter after the council voted 7-2 to strike down the ballot proposal, saying the police department financial problems should not be on the backs of the people who are already “taxed to the max”.


Cockrel criticized Police Chief Ralph Godbee in a tweet:


“I am not convinced that our problem is a lack of manpower issue. I’m convinced that our problem is a lack of an effective management plan issue.”


That’s when J.A. Williams II, senior pastor of Spirit & Truth Christian Ministries and presiding prelate of Kingdom Builders Association jumped in to defend Godbee.


The following twitter spat ensued:


Williams: @kencockreljr2, @Ralph_Godbee is a much more efficient administrator of DPD than you’ve been as a councilman or mayoral fill-in. #ijs


Cockrel: @BishopJawill @Ralph_Godbee Both crime stats and word on the street suggest otherwise.


Williams: @KenCockrelJr2 @ralph_godbee On the other hand sir, the City was in the black when you first took your seat.


Cockrel: @BishopJawill @ralph_godbeeUntrue. It was my admin that actually uncovered the extent to which city’s budget books hadn’t been maintained.

Williams didn’t stop there. He continued:

Williams:…We meant every word. We continue to pray for you, our city & other leaders – even Ken Cockrel. Lol.

Williams:Detroit City Council = cowardly. @Ralph_Godbee = courageous. I normally don’t express these positions publicly but WE DESERVE SAFE STREETS!

Was Pastor Williams being fair or should he been more of a twitter diplomat?

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