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National Commission for Voter Justice to Kick-Off Listening Tour in Detroit

National Commission for Voter Justice (NVCJ) panel discussion and listening tour focused on the areas of voter suppression and intimidation.

Saturday, January 27, 2018
1-5 p.m.
Fellowship Chapel
7707 W. Outer Drive
Detroit, MI 48235
The National Commission for Voter Justice (NCVJ), inspired by Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, and Barbara Arnwine, founder and president of the Transformative Justice Coalition, with founding partner, the National Bar Association, will highlight, document, and address the scourge of voter suppression across the country, while advancing electoral reform and civic engagement to promote an inclusive and robust U.S. democracy. This non-partisan and diverse commission composed of prominent civil rights leaders, voting rights experts, scholars, elected officials, lawyers, students, and community activists will undertake a schedule of work centered around independent research, hearings and listening sessions in the states to hear directly from U.S. citizens; publications of findings, recommendations and strategies; and direct organizing and collaboration with community based organizations to enhance voter engagement.
The National Commission for Voter Justice will compile, review and distill existing reports published by the federal government, states, major research institutions, civil rights, voting rights and civic engagement organizations as well as prior private and public commissions.
The public is invited to attend and provide public testimony about their experiences voting in Michigan during the listening session.  “Detroit is an ideal city for the National Commission for Voter Justice to begin their listening sessions,” said Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony, President, Detroit Branch NAACP.  “Detroit is the largest voting block in the State of Michigan. Detroit’s voter turnout has implications on not just our local elections, but state and national as well.  We want to make sure we hear from our voting electorate about any issues and obstacles they have encountered at the polls and work to remove those barriers.
The event is free, but registration is encouraged — NCVJ Detroit Listening Session.
For more information on the Detroit Branch NAACP please call (313) 871-2087 or visit

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