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Mersoon Rising Review

Welcome to Mersoon, where the food is free, the water pure, and the drugs are good. War is constant, and the inhabitants mix with the Descendants of Earth. Mersoon Rising is an adult sociopolitical science fiction novel that chronicles the lives and loves of the Jymirr race during an epic battle for the fate of a planet and an entire solar system. Without a doubt, Shirley G. Coleman’s debut novel will keep you consistently turning through the 700+ pages anxious to find out what happens next in this strange universe with alien characters and drives and emotions that are familiar and human.

Long ago, the Descendants of Earth traveled on generation ships to a dual sun solar system called Rodrigo’s Suns. Now, they dominate the human-occupied planets within the System Alliance and live with alien and mixed races both friendly and hostile. Where Mersoon Rising excels in imagination and intrigue, it lacks in conciseness. There’s entirely too many characters taking center stage, especially considering, there is so many details to absorb in the universe. The reader is expected to understand the difference between a Jymirr, a Hurthan, a Firfwaat, and a handful of other races, understand complex culture and physiological differences and keep track of a dozen or so characters. Please note: Keep pen and paper nearby and create a flow chart. The story is billed as a story about Vintori Jymirr Erroc, the Shepherd (read leader) of the Erroc and Jymirr Nations on the planet Mersoon. During his reign there is a vicious war with the neighboring Firfwaat Nation and also a corrupted election for a new System Alliance Overseer and too many people sleeping with other people. It’s just a bit messy and a glossary and a timeline in the back of the book would help to keep everything clear. As it happens, a visit to the author’s website,, will provide you with a nice glossary and a cast of characters to make getting acclimated to the complexities of Mersoon Rising and being immersed in the universe possible and enjoyable.

Mersoon Rising is definitely worth a look if you enjoy science fiction and political narratives and can weather through the beginning. It’s a 700+ page book, there’s plenty of time to make the characters and the universe feel like home.

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